Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Global Financial Advisory
Getting an investment opportunity in front of a serious investor is quite difficult. They simply do not have the time to read through hundreds of unfiltered and unsolicited business plans, so they normally accept plans from only sources they know will send them opportunities that meet their investment criteria. Greater than 99% of qualified investors are not listed on the Internet or in any directory of any type and cannot be found by searching the web.

Paying any upfront fee to list your business financing request with a Venture Capital firm or a network yields disappointing results. Once a service like this has your upfront fee it becomes a financial loss to them to further market their services and your plan to investors. Their marketing expenditure goes into increasing the number of investment opportunities they have since that represents profits, while building and maintaining their investment network and providing you with success, represents a loss.

Out of all entities seeking capital financing less than 2% were successful. Unfortunately, companies don't get many second chances. In the venture capital and business financing industries news travels quickly. You seriously risk getting classified as "shopping" your business plan.

According to a market study, almost 100% of the deals investors will invest in come from trusted referrals - not from venture forums, unsolicited business plans, or general advertising. Companies who align with a group, who in turn have these contacts have a far greater opportunity of obtaining funding.

Princeton Technologies International brings these difficult-to-access investors together in a proprietary centralized database of over several thousand investors that has been developed over the past years. Each investor has been screened and personally contacted to assure us of their exact investment requirements. And we have no up front fees. We receive remuneration only upon the successful completion of a funded project.